We’re delighted that WRoCAH students Fiona Keenan and Elizabeth Spencer took second and third place in the University of York Humanities Research Centre poster competition.
- Fiona Keenan – Sound and Action; or New Theatrical Strategies for Sonic Interaction Design
- Elizabeth Spencer – Women’s Clothing in Eighteenth-Century England
Click here to see larger versions of the posters
Meet the students
Fiona Keenan
Enactive Sound Machines: New Theatrical Strategies for Sonic Interaction Design
Fiona’s research focuses on how the enactive properties of mechanical sound effects devices can inform new theatrical strategies for sonic interaction design? Her research aims to answer this question through the study of early twentieth century mechanical sound effects devices constructed for theatre. A small selection of these devices will be reconstructed and tested to uncover their enactive properties, i.e. how they couple the action of the performer with the resulting sound. This work will then inform the design and construction of new performance hardware and software, which will be tested in a series of performance experiments within the theatre space.
English women’s dress, 1700-1830: Selection and categorisation of clothing and accessories across the social hierarchy.
Elizabeth’s research examines the prevailing opinion in the literature is that the ‘No-Self’ view is a Reductionist view, in that it seeks to show that what we call the ‘self’ is reducible to a particular series of mental and physical events and is nothing over and above the sum of those events. I believe that to classify the No-Self View as a Reductionist theory is to crucially misrepresent the view and the space it occupies in the current debate about the nature of our identity. In this thesis I therefore wish to offer an alternative account, according to which the ‘No-Self’ View does, as the name suggests, represent a denial of the existence of a ‘self’ of any kind.