WRoCAH doctoral researchers can apply for funds to support events they want to run for other postgraduate students under the Student-Led Forums fund. Most recent awards are at the top.
SLF0132 - British Audio-Visual Research Network – Virtual Colloquia

A series of events to foster a virtual community of scholars from all disciplines engaged with the study of music and sound in audio-visual media.
See the full details about British Audio-Visual Research Network – Virtual Colloquia
£ 76
Lead Student
Toby Huelin, School of Music, University of Leeds
Other student organisers
Elsa Marsall, University of Sheffield Organisers outside of the White Rose Network: Georgia Brown, Queen Mary University of London; David Cotter, University of Cambridge; Melissa Morton, University of Edinburgh
SLF0131 - Sound Instruments, Sonic Cultures: An Interdisciplinary Conference

Modernity has witnessed an accelerating proliferation of sound instruments—devices that allow humans to purposefully produce, capture, observe, manipulate, broadcast or otherwise interact with sound. Sound instruments include all musical instruments, acoustic and electronic, as well as scientific, medical, and military instruments that operate sonically, from the tuning forks and resonators, to Geiger-Muller counters and…
See the full details about Sound Instruments, Sonic Cultures: An Interdisciplinary Conference
£ 735
Lead Student
Jean-Baptiste Masson
Other student organisers
Marta Donati (Sheffield) Rachel Garratt (Leeds) Edward Wilson-Stephens (Leeds)
External link
SLF0130 - Conference – Out of the Blue

The purpose of this conference, entitled ‘Out of the Blue’, is to address the question: what is the role of literature in an era where the manifestations of human-induced climate crisis are a common occurrence?
See the full details about Conference – Out of the Blue
£ 1185
Lead Student
Daniel Bowman, School of English, University of Sheffield
Other student organisers
Veronica Fibisan, University of Sheffield Rosamund Portus, University of York Katerina Liontau, University of Leeds Ashley Bullen-Cutting, University of Sheffield
SLF0129 - Event Out of Touch? The Theremin in the Twenty-First Century

This free, interdisciplinary symposium will celebrate 100 years since the theremin, the world’s first electronic musical instrument and the first instrument to be played without touching, was first made commercially available. The symposium is part of the International Concert Series at the University of Leeds and the Leeds Digital Festival 2020. Named after its inventor,…
See the full details about Event Out of Touch? The Theremin in the Twenty-First Century
£ 908
Lead Student
Edward Wilson-Stephens, University of Leeds
Other student organisers
- Rachel Garrett, University of Leeds
- Mark Hanslip, University of York
- Sion Parkinson, University of Leeds
SLF0128 - Northern Imagination Forum 2

Imagination is a topic which pertains to many areas in philosophy, such as philosophy of fiction, philosophy of science, epistemology and cognitive science. Questions include (but are not limited to): how can we learn through fiction and scientific thought experiments; what is the relationship between memory and imagination; how can we solve puzzles in philosophy…
See the full details about Northern Imagination Forum 2
£ 650
Lead Student
Andrea Blomqvist, University of Sheffield
Other student organisers
- Jacopo Frascaroli (University of York)
- Alice Murphy (University of Leeds)
External link
SLF0127 - White Rose Early Modern Conference: Performance, Social Identity, and Cross-Cultural Influence in Early Modern England

This regional conference aims to bring together postgraduates and staff working in early modern studies across Yorkshire. We will aim towards fostering research links across the White Rose institutions between staff and PGRs by offering a space for researchers to share and develop their work. The themes of the conference can engage in a dialogue…
£ 728
Lead Student
Samuel Jermy, University of Leeds
Other student organisers
- Andrea Paquin, University of York
- Claire Turner, University of Leeds
- Elena Johnson, University of Sheffield
- Hannah Slack, University of Sheffield
- Leonie Price, University of Sheffield
SLF0126 - Housing and Power in the Modern World

This conference will bring together scholars and practitioners from a range of disciplinary backgrounds to examine the policies, projects, and power relations that have shaped the development of mass affordable housing across the globe since the nineteenth century. We anticipate involvement from PGRs across the Arts and Humanities, academics, and local organisations with connections to…
See the full details about Housing and Power in the Modern World
£ 1300
Lead Student
Isabelle Carter (University of Sheffield)
Other student organisers
- Joel Baker, University of Sheffield
- Callum Reilly, University of York
- Joanne Harrison, University of York
SLF0125 - Endurance and Change: Exploring the Effects of Boundaries, Borders and Frontiers in Northern Britain

Endurance and Change will be a two-day conference exploring the changing landscapes, spaces, and identities in northern England/southern Scotland from the Roman period to the present day. Borders, boundaries and frontiers operating at numerous scales and complexities, from local to national, were (and are) particularly significant in this region. Despite acknowledgement of these unique characteristics,…
£ 1785
Lead Student
Ian Hardwick (University of York)
Other student organisers
- Kirstin Barnard, History, University of York (WRoCAH)
- Samuel Bromage, Archaeology, University of Sheffield (WRoCAH)
- Caitlin Kitchener, Archaeology, University of York
- Aubrey Steingraber, Archaeology, University of York
SLF0124 - Radio and the Sound of Modernism

17-18 July 2020 This conference seeks to use the radio as a novel point of entry for re-thinking the history and aesthetics of musical modernism, drawing musicological research into conversation with other disciplines, such as Radio Studies and Sound Studies. Having once been considered a ‘forgotten medium’, as Edward Pease and Everette Dennis put it…
See the full details about Radio and the Sound of Modernism
£ 683
Lead Student
Jean-Baptiste Masson (University of York)
Other student organisers
- Samuel Ridout (University of Leeds)
- Max Erwin (University of Leeds)
- Manuel Faroli (University of Leeds)
- Marta Donati (University of Sheffield)
SLF0123 - 4th Annual White Rose South Asia Conference: Space, Place and Temporalities

Now in its 4th year, this annual White Rose South Asia conference has built a substantial following amongst PGR students focused on the study of the subcontinent. Interest has spread across discipline and region (beyond solely the UK) and produced demand for the continuation of an event which offers rewarding potential for forging collaborations and…
Other student organisers
- Arunima Theraja (University of York)
- Meena Menon (University of Leeds)
- Radha Kapuria (University of Sheffield)
- Thomas Shillam (University of York)
- Zaynab Seedat (University of York)
External link
SLF0122 - Valuing Sculpture: Art, Craft and Industry 1660-1851

Sculpture holds an indeterminate position within art historical dialogues. Categorisations such as art, craft, or industry contrive barriers between sculptural production, which separate works from each other and serve to remove scholars from sculpture’s commonalities. The conference ‘Valuing Sculpture: Art, Craft and Industry 1660-1851’ aims to bring together researchers investigating sculpture across these definitions in…
See the full details about Valuing Sculpture: Art, Craft and Industry 1660-1851
£ 1634
Lead Student
Charlotte Davis (University of Leeds)
Other student organisers
- Hannah Kaspar, University of Leeds
- Caitlin Scott, University of Sheffield
- Samantha Scott, University of York
SLF0121 - Process, Practice, and Environmental Crisis

The purpose of this symposium and exhibition, which is titled ‘Process, Practice, and Environmental Crisis’, is to confront societal failures in resolving the climate crisis and investigate the synthesis of artistic and political responses to crisis. It will gather creative professionals, activists, and academics working at the intersection of artistic and political practices responding to environmental crisis.
See the full details about Process, Practice, and Environmental Crisis
£ 1078
Lead Student
Adam Koper, Department of Politics, University of York
Other student organisers
Rosamund Portus, University of York; Marielle Hehir, University of Leeds; Joshua D'Archy, University of York
SLF0120 - Flooding the field: exploring novel interdisciplinary and participatory approaches to flood research

Flooding poses significant challenges to societies across the world, drastically affecting the lives of those who have suffered from its social, environmental and economic impacts. However, as a phenomenon, flooding does not sit easily in any one discipline; research on the impacts of flooding may gain as much insight from social, political or cultural studies…
£ 1079
Lead Student
Seb O'Connor
Other student organisers
- Colombine Neal (Sheffield)
- Alexander Jardine (York)
SLF0119 - Understanding Value IX

Understanding Value 2020 will be the ninth annual instalment of the University of Sheffield’s successful postgraduate conference, dedicated to the philosophical study of issues and topics surrounding the notion of “value”.
See the full details about Understanding Value IX
£ 2390
Lead Student
Anna Klieber
Other student organisers
- Henry Roe (University of Sheffield)
- Barney Riggs (University of Sheffield)
- Yuhan Fu (University of Sheffield)
- Lillian Wilde (University of York)
External link
SLF0118 - Northern Imagination Forum

Imagination is a topic which pertains to many areas in philosophy, such as philosophy of fiction, philosophy of science, epistemology and cognitive science. Questions include (but are not limited to): how can we learn through fiction and scientific thought experiments; what is the relationship between memory and imagination; how can we solve puzzles in philosophy of fiction; is empathy underwritten by imagination?
See the full details about Northern Imagination Forum
£ 700
Lead Student
Andrea Blomqvist, Department of Philosophy, University of Sheffield
Other student organisers
Alice Murphy, University of Leeds Celia Coll, University of York
SLF0117 - British Society for the History of Science Postgraduate Conference 2020

This conference aims to make new connections between PGRs working on the history of science, for example between research taking place within the History and Philosophy of Science at Leeds and Medical Humanities Sheffield. The event aims to bring together scholars across the White Rose who have intersecting interests within these fields, and hope that further collaborations, for example student led forums, will materialise as a result of the conference.
See the full details about British Society for the History of Science Postgraduate Conference 2020
£ 3047
Lead Student
Rachel Garrett, School of Philosophy, Religion and History of Science, University of Leeds
Other student organisers
Polina Merkulova, University of Leeds Kaija-Liisa Koovit, University of Leeds Marta Donati, University of Sheffield (co-supervised University of York) Jean-Baptiste Masson, University of York (co-supervised University of Leeds) Sarah Murphy-Young, University of Leeds
SLF0116 - World Weary: Cultures of Exhaustion

This conference examines the relevance of exhaustion for interdisciplinary research in the environmental humanities. We are interested in academic and non-academic responses to the interrelated meanings of exhaustion, and its durative effects on livelihoods and ecosystems. See our website at: https://worldweary2020.co.uk/
See the full details about World Weary: Cultures of Exhaustion
£ 3165
Lead Student
Francesca Curtis, Department of History of Art, University of York
Other student organisers
Gabriella Beckhurst, University of York/University College London; Cecilia Tricker-Walsh, University of Sheffield
SLF0115 - Dreams and Atrocity symposium

The Dreams and Atrocity symposium is a two-day interdisciplinary event that aims to explore diverse representations and theorisations of dreams through the lens of specific moments of historical atrocity
See the full details about Dreams and Atrocity symposium
£ 867
Lead Student
Emily Rose Baker, School of English, University of Sheffield
Other student organisers
Diane Otosaka, University of Leeds Michael Holden, University of York
SLF0114 - Time and the Mind

‘Time and the Mind’ is an interdisciplinary conference bringing together researchers in philosophy and psychology to explore how their different perspectives can yield new insights into our experience of time.
See the full details about Time and the Mind
£ 1855
Lead Student
Henry Pollock, School of Philosophy, Religion and History of Science, University of Leeds
Other student organisers
Lillian Wilde, University of York
SLF0111 - Plates: Philosophically Intriguing Foods

Food is an easy avenue to get non-philosophers to think about philosophy and community dining is an excellent avenue to encourage conversation.
See the full details about Plates: Philosophically Intriguing Foods
£ 634.50
Lead Student
Nadia Mehdi, Department of Philosophy, University of Sheffield
Other student organisers
Alice Murphy, Leeds Celia Coll, York Henry Roe, Sheffield Kayleigh Doherty, Sheffield Victor Wolemonwu, Sheffield Will Morgan, Sheffield
SLF0110 - Northern Diversity Forum

The Northern Diversity Forum is a new initiative by Minorities and Philosophy, the Diversity Reading List, and the Universities of Leeds, Sheffield and York
See the full details about Northern Diversity Forum
£ 3595
Lead Student
Andrea Blomqvist, Department of Philosophy, University of Sheffield
Other student organisers
Anna Klieber (University of Sheffield) William Killborn (University of York) Carl Fox (University of Leeds)
SLF0108 - Decriminalisation and Sex Work

Decriminalisation and Sex Work is an interdisciplinary conference exploring legal approaches to sex work, examining the impact these approaches have on workers.
See the full details about Decriminalisation and Sex Work
£ 910
Lead Student
Rosa Vince, Department of Philosophy, University of Sheffield
Other student organisers
Alana Wilde, University of Sheffield Anna Klieber, University of Sheffield Sally-Anne Beverley, University of Leeds Catherine Yarrow, University of York Alice Murphy, University of Leeds
SLF0105 - White Rose Aesthetics Forum summer workshop 2019

The White Rose Aesthetics Forum (WRAF) is a long-standing collaboration between local academics to share research on aesthetics and maintain community ties. Yorkshire has the greatest concentration of high-profile aesthetics scholars in the UK, and is perhaps second in the world only to New York (in a recent Leiter Report on aesthetics and Philosophy of…
See the full details about White Rose Aesthetics Forum summer workshop 2019
£ 807.90
Lead Student
Nadia Mehdi (University of Sheffield)
Other student organisers
- Jamie Cawthra (University of York)
- Alice Murphy (University of Leeds)
- Celia Coll (University of York)
- Christie Oliver-Hobley (University of Sheffield)
SLF0104 - New Directions in Nineteenth-Century Periodical Studies

New Directions in Nineteenth-Century Periodical Studies is a conference to promote discussion of novel research amongst those working in the field, at all levels. The recent passing of one of the founders of periodical studies, Michael Wolff, makes this an opportune moment to take stock of the field, look forward to future changes, and foster…
See the full details about New Directions in Nineteenth-Century Periodical Studies
£ 2322
Lead Student
Mary Chapman, School of English, University of Leeds
Other student organisers
Roger Baxter, University of Sheffield Amanda Davis, University of Sheffield, Victoria Clarke, University of Leeds Frances Long, University of York
SLF0103 - Learning from Imagination

Imagination is a topic which pertains to many areas in philosophy, such as philosophy of fiction, philosophy of science, epistemology and cognitive science. We aim for this to be a broad conference which can cover all those areas, but with a crucial focus which unites them: learning from imagination. Philosophy of fiction has long been…
See the full details about Learning from Imagination
£ 1800
Lead Student
Andrea Blomqvist, Department of Philosophy, University of Sheffield
Other student organisers
Alice Murphy (University of Leeds) Celia Coll (University of York)
SLF0102 - Space Networking Meeting One – Symposium

This Student Led Forum will explore methods, approaches and practices to concepts of ‘space’
See the full details about Space Networking Meeting One – Symposium
£ 717
Lead Student
Jessica Bates, Department of Archaeology, University of York
Other student organisers
Nicholas Groat, University of Sheffield Nicholas Clarke, University of Sheffield
SLF0101 - Across the Live / Mediatised Divide

Audience research is a growing area in many diverse areas of study, including film and television, theatre, music and gaming. Given its situation as an emerging field of academic study, the methodological requirements of audience research are in a constant state of development, with new innovations constantly being devised. This form of research is notoriously…
See the full details about Across the Live / Mediatised Divide
£ 2089
Lead Student
Shelley Galpin, Department of Theatre, Film and Television, University of York
Other student organisers
Emma McDowell, University of Leeds
SLF0100 - Philip Larkin: Personality, Poetry, Prose.

A dedicated conference for those studying Philip Larkin
See the full details about Philip Larkin: Personality, Poetry, Prose.
£ 1660
Lead Student
Kyra Piperides Jacques, University of York
Other student organisers
Rebecca Devine - University of Hull Felicity Powell - University of Sheffield Wei Zhou - University of Leeds
SLF0099 - Understanding Value, 8

Understanding Value VIII is the 8th annual instalment of the graduate philosophy conference at the University of Sheffield, which explores philosophical themes about the nature and application of value.
See the full details about Understanding Value, 8
£ 1650
Lead Student
William Morgan, Department of Philosophy, University of Sheffield
Other student organisers
Will Morgan (University of Sheffield) Kayleigh Doherty (University of Sheffield) Barend de Rooij (University of Sheffield) Lijiaozi Cheng (University of Sheffield) Celia Coll (University of York) Arthur Carlyle (University of Leeds)
External link
SLF0098 - Art as Commodities/Commodities as Art

Taking place in the Treehouse, Berrick Saul Building, University of York, the conference will comprise ten papers divided into five panels. Dr Leah Clark at the Open University will give a keynote on art and diplomacy in the Italian Renaissance (t.b.c.), followed by a wine reception.
See the full details about Art as Commodities/Commodities as Art
£ 3250
Lead Student
Adam Sammut, Department of History of Art, University of York
Other student organisers
Simon Spier, University of Leeds Apurba Chatterjee, University of Sheffield
SLF0097 - Building Modernity: Britain, Railways, and the Hispanophone World

This event is in partnership with the National Railway Museum The National Railway Museum is undertaking a seven year, £50 million, redesign of its entire site. The ambition of this new Vision 2025 project is to tell new stories, brought forth from our archives through detailed research, that challenge and fascinate its visitors. One of the untapped…
See the full details about Building Modernity: Britain, Railways, and the Hispanophone World
£ 305
Lead Student
Joel Baker - University of Sheffield
Other student organisers
Dr Oli Betts - Research Fellow at the National Railway Museum
SLF0096 - Event Minorities and Philosophy Fourth Annual Lecture

This event is the fourth annual Minorities and Philosophy (MAP) lecture which has come to be a staple event of the calendar for philosophers in the region. Organised by students, MAP aims to improve the representation of marginalised groups within the discipline and also marginalised areas of philosophy. The aim of the annual lecture is…
See the full details about Event Minorities and Philosophy Fourth Annual Lecture
£ 720
Lead Student
William Hornett (Sheffield)
Other student organisers
- Andrea Blomqvist, Sheffield
- Nadia Mehdi, Sheffield
- Alice Murphy, Leeds
- Celia Coll, York
External link
SLF0095 - Refugees and Exile: Commemorating the Eightieth Anniversary of the end of the Spanish Civil War

The event will commemorate the eightieth anniversary of the end of the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939) and bring together PGRs and some of the most prominent experts on twentieth century Spain. The papers at the conference will focus on the hundreds of thousands of Spaniards who had to flee Spain in order to escape the…
£ 2,872
Lead Student
Scott Ramsay
Other student organisers
- Liam Morris, University of Leeds
- Joel Baker, University of Sheffield
- Louise Shepperd, University of York
SLF0094 - 3rd Annual White Rose South Asia Conference: ‘Exclusion, Dialogue, Exchange’

This event seeks to build on the already burgeoning White Rose South Asia series of conferences by offering its 3rd instalment, after events at Leeds in 2017 and Sheffield in 2018. Despite the success of the conference last year, one primary objective for any future conference was to expand the interest to all White Rose…
£ 1,659
Lead Student
Ben Holt (Leeds)
Other student organisers
- Purba Hossain, University of Leeds
- Thomas Shillam, University of York
- Arnab Chakraborty, University of York
- Andrew Lunt, University of Leeds
- Zahid Ullah, University of York
External link
SLF0093 - Historical and Contemporary Knowledgebase in Sociolinguistics (HaCKS)

We have planned three workshops that are based around the theme of indexicality. This is a major topic in sociolinguistic research and has been a focal topic of the SLF on Language Variation and Change. By contrast, researchers in other sub-disciplines, despite exploring language variation extensively, do not always invoke this term. Yet, insights from…
See the full details about Historical and Contemporary Knowledgebase in Sociolinguistics (HaCKS)
£ 575
Lead Student
Nat Dziura - University of Sheffield
Other student organisers
- Thomas Rollings, University of Sheffield
- Joshua Bengough-Smith, University of Sheffield
- Keith Tse, University of York
- Salina Cuddy, University of York
External link
SLF0092 - Buffy and the Bible

Buffy the Vampire Slayer (1997-2003) is one of the most widely studied popular culture texts with many of its own academic monographs, essay collections, and the biannual peer-reviewed journal Slayage. Important for its subversion of the horror genre through its strong female protagonist, it inaugurated the teen vampire phenomenon, increased representation of LGBTQ characters on mainstream television, and…
See the full details about Buffy and the Bible
£ 1608
Lead Student
Emma Nagouse (University of Sheffield)
Other student organisers
- Mary Going (University of Sheffield)
- Naomi Hetherington (University of Sheffield)
- Holly Dann (University of Sheffield)
- Kelly Richards D'Arcy-Reed (University of York)
- Dana Alex (Kingston University London)
SLF0091 - Eighteenth Century Study Day at Vale and Downland Museum, Wantage
The long eighteenth century is barely covered in schools, but it was a period of great importance in world history. The major events such as the industrial revolution, the French Revolution, and the American Wars of Independence are part of most people’s general knowledge, but fewer people know about developments in print culture, medicine, and…
See the full details about Eighteenth Century Study Day at Vale and Downland Museum, Wantage
£ 1141
Lead Student
Frances Long - University of York
Other student organisers
Lilian Tabois - University of York
SLF0090 - Decolonizing The Mind – a third narrative of liberation
15-16 November 2018, University of Sheffield The one-day course Decolonizing The Mind (DTM) explores concepts and tools from the theoretical framework Decolonizing The Mind and is taught by Sandew Hira, independent scholar, activist and organiser of the international decolonial network. Two narratives of liberation had dominated knowledge, culture and activism the past 150 years: Liberalism…
See the full details about Decolonizing The Mind – a third narrative of liberation
£ 1780
Lead Student
Nadia Mehdi, University of Sheffield
Other student organisers
- Maryam Jameela, University of Sheffield
- Britt Harrison,University of York
- Alice Murphy, University of Leeds
- Adina Covaci, University of Leeds
SLF0089 - Minorities and Philosophy (MAP) Workshop

Professional philosophy systematically and seriously under-represents women, people of colour, and other marginalised groups. This is tied up in implicit biases against these groups’ abilities to do philosophy, and they often face stereotype threat in the workplace. Many philosophers are still unaware of these issues, and hence do not take steps to combat this. Further,…
See the full details about Minorities and Philosophy (MAP) Workshop
£ 630
Lead Student
Andrea Blomqvist, University of Sheffield
Other student organisers
- William Hornett (University of Sheffield)
- Nadia Mehdi (University of Sheffield)
- Alison Toop (University of Leeds)
- Celia Coll (University of York)
SLF0088 - New Voices in Postcolonial Studies

Twitter @NVPoco ‘New Voices in Postcolonial Studies’ is a postgraduate researcher-led network for M3C and WRoCAH institutions. The network aims to provide a supportive forum for PhDs across all disciplinary backgrounds to connect with each other, share their work, and most importantly, share their passion for postcolonial research! We hope to create a meaningful cross-disciplinary…
See the full details about New Voices in Postcolonial Studies
£ 1442
Lead Student
Emily Timms, University of Sheffield
Other student organisers
- Nadia Medhi (University of Sheffield)
- Lotta Schneidemesser (University of York)
- Emma Parker (University of Leeds)
- Sofia Aatkar (Nottingham Trent University)
- Kelsi Delaney and Tim Hannigan (University of Leicester)
- Stacey Kennedy and Alex Thom (University of Birmingham)
SLF0087 - The Opportunities & Challenges of Studying 20th Century history of science, technology and medicine
This one-day conference for postgraduates from WRoCAH and beyond considers the opportunities and challenges of researching the 20th-century history of science, technology and medicine. The sources used to research recent history are increasingly varied and extensive. Researchers deal with a combination of materials, including paper, born-digital, audio and audio-visual. Access may be restricted through copyright…
£ 560.50
Lead Student
Helen Piel, University of Leeds
Other student organisers
- Emmeline Ledgerwood, University of Leicester
- Linda Ross, University of the Highlands and Islands
External link
SLF0086 - A Hostile Climate?: Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Climate Change

This event will bring together postgraduate researchers and early-career researchers/scientists, artists and activists from a wide range of backgrounds and disciplines to explore the issues surrounding anthropogenic climate change (and other environmental problems), and the communication of those issues. The conference will give attendees a rare opportunity to view their research from a perspective beyond their…
See the full details about A Hostile Climate?: Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Climate Change
£ 1344
Lead Student
Isabel Cook
Other student organisers
- Lucy Rowland, University of Leeds
- Claire Cooper, University of Leeds
- Rosamund Portus, University of York
SLF0085 - Temporal Experience: Perspectives from Philosophy and Psychology

Temporal Experience: Perspectives from Philosophy and Psychology
See the full details about Temporal Experience: Perspectives from Philosophy and Psychology
£ 746
Lead Student
Henry Pollock, School of Philosophy, Religion and History of Science, University of Leeds
Other student organisers
Andrea Blomqvist, University of Sheffield
SLF0084 - Approaching Emotion

The conference aims to bring together different methodological approaches for the studying of emotions in the medieval and early modern periods. It is centred on the work of Professor Rosenwein (Loyola, Chicago), whose lecture on the first evening will be an open event. This should attract a lot of interest as she is one of…
See the full details about Approaching Emotion
£ 628
Lead Student
Jamie Graves, Department of History, University of Sheffield
Other student organisers
Laura Alston, University of Sheffield, Robert Grout, University of York, Jack Litchfield, University of York
SLF0083 - White Rose International History and International Relations Research Seminar

The White Rose International History and International Relations seminar series will provide a forum for discussion amongst PGRs and ECRs working in the fields of post-1900 international history and empirical international relations through regular work-in-progress research seminars. It will foster an inter-disciplinary network between visiting speakers, the organisers and attendees that goes beyond the White…
£ 2,340
Lead Student
Alex Shaw, School of History, University of Leeds
Other student organisers
Scott Ramsay (Univerity of Leeds), Chukwu Lucian Obinna (University of York), Stephen Rainbird (University of Leeds), Francesca Morphakis (University of Leeds)
SLF0078 - Women’s Paths Research Group

Women of the Global South and its Diasporas: Rights, Representation, Activism Symposium. Women’s Paths is a research group based at University of Leeds. It was established in 2015 by feminist researchers from a variety of disciplines to bridge the gap between women’s issues in the community and feminist scholarship. Women’s Paths’s impact across White Rose…
See the full details about Women’s Paths Research Group
£ 1800
Lead Student
Ope Adegbulu, University of Leeds
Other student organisers
Marlo De Lara, University of Leeds, Amber-Louise Lascelles, University of Leeds, Arththi Sathananthar, University of Leeds, Maryam Jameela, University of Sheffield, Sam Buchan-Watts, University of York
SLF0077 - Understanding Value VII

Understanding Value VII is the 7th annual instalment of the graduate conference at the University of Sheffield, which aims at exploring philosophical themes related to the nature and application of value. Value pertains to most areas in philosophy, and the conference thus has a broad theme and accepts submissions from every area in philosophy including, but not…
See the full details about Understanding Value VII
£ 2,500
Lead Student
Andrea Blomqvist, University of Sheffield
Other student organisers
- Nadia Mehdi, University of Sheffield
- Matthew Cull, University of Sheffield
- Celia Coll, University of York
- Olaf Leffler, University of Leeds
External link
SLF0076 - Quilting Points Presents: Sara Ahmed

Quilting Points is an ongoing, fortnightly interdisciplinary reading group and seminar series interested in critical and cultural theory which is run collaboratively by a different team of PGRs within the Leeds Humanities Research Institute each year. In 2017-18, discussions focus on the work of Sara Ahmed, a prolific thinker whose work crosses the diverse fields…
See the full details about Quilting Points Presents: Sara Ahmed
£ 585
Lead Student
Bethan Hughes, University of Leeds
Other student organisers
Emma Parker, University of Leeds Hayley Toth, University of Leeds Jake Downs, University of Sheffield Kyveli Lignou-Tsamantani, University of York |
External link
SLF0075 - ‘Philosophy of Film Without Theory’ Conference

This is an international, interdisciplinary, formal, two-day conference. We have selected 8 ‘Invited Speakers’ all of whom are already working Without Theory and/or are eagerly embracing the new opportunities such research methods offer. By identifying a deliberately diverse of interdisciplinary academics the aim is to offer up a bespoke but simultaneously wide-ranging set of new intellectual…
See the full details about ‘Philosophy of Film Without Theory’ Conference
£ 3,452.00
Lead Student
Britt Harrison, University of York
Other student organisers
- Rachel Johnson, University of Leeds
- Nadia Medhi, University of Sheffield
External link
SLF0074 - Intersections & Academia

This event aims to allow a space for understanding and re-conceptualising recent political shifts which have seen moves to the right wing across Europe and America. We are aiming to allow a platform for PGR and early career researchers who belong to the identity categories they are presenting on. This is an effort to contribute to…
See the full details about Intersections & Academia
£ 870
Lead Student
Maryam Jameela, University of Sheffield
Other student organisers
- Alex Marsh, University of Sheffield
- Alex Mason, University of Sheffield
- Amber Lascelles, University of Leeds
External link
SLF0073 - New Approaches to Silent Film Historiography: Technology, Spectatorship and the Archive

The purpose of this conference is to bring together UK silent film academics and restorers to discuss the vitally important issues surrounding silent cinema preservation and restoration. Silent film academics and restorers rarely co-operate, despite the fact that the two disciplines can directly benefit each other. We plan to use this event to create a…
£ 2604
Lead Student
Laurence Carr, University of Leeds
Other student organisers
Agata Frymus, University of York and Dr Luca Antoniazzi, University of Leeds
External link
SLF0072 - Gaming the Gothic

Gaming the Gothic is a one-day conference focusing on the interdisciplinary connections between the Gothic and Game Studies. Open to researchers from all levels including undergraduates, but with a primary focus on PGRs, we will provide a space for all academics to share their knowledge with each other and explore new avenues of research. …
See the full details about Gaming the Gothic
£ 1962.50
Lead Student
Emily Marlow, University of Sheffield
Other student organisers
Lauren Nixon (University of Sheffield) Tom Lubek (University of York) Esther Wright (Warwick University) Ash Darrow (Manchester Metropolitan University) Mary Going (University of Sheffield) Matthew Crofts (University of Hull) Thyrn Henderson (University of York) Kate Gadsby-Mace (University of Sheffield)
SLF0071 - South Asian Studies: Voices through History

This conference aims to build upon the WRoCAH funded PGR event of 2017, ‘Futures Past: South Asia Then and Now’, which provided an exciting opportunity for students of South Asia to converge. This two-day event is focused on aspects of South Asian history such as marginalised historical agents, voices or hidden stories which have thus…
See the full details about South Asian Studies: Voices through History
£ 2203
Lead Student
Benjamin Holt, University of Leeds
Other student organisers
Apurba Chatterjee, University of Sheffield. Purba Hossain, University of Leeds. Samuel Ellis, University of Leeds.
External link
SLF0070 - Northern Animals: Extinction in the Anthropocene

Northern Animals brings together animal studies and environmental humanities scholars at various stages of their academic careers across the North of England, and beyond, to share ideas and research, and stimulate new ways of thinking about animals and the natural world. We particularly welcome PGRs and past events have had majority attendance from PGRs. It…
See the full details about Northern Animals: Extinction in the Anthropocene
£ 433
Lead Student
Rozzy Portus, University of York
Other student organisers
- Sophia Nicolov, University of Leeds
- Cecilia Tricker-Walsh, University of Sheffield
External link
SLF0069 - Imagination Workshop

The idea of the workshop is to bring together postgraduates across the White Rose network working on issues to do with the nature of imagination and learning via the imagination. Although the main focus of the event will be on philosophical approaches, we aim to make it an interdisciplinary event by also highlighting the role…
See the full details about Imagination Workshop
£ 252
Lead Student
Andrea Blomqvist, University of Sheffield
Other student organisers
- Alice Murphy, University of Leeds
- Amaia Fraga González, University of Leeds
- Celia Coll, University of York
SLF0068 - The Role and the Self Image of the Satirist in the 21st Century

This will be an opportunity for the PhD students from the WRoCAH White Rose Beyond Charlie Network to present the conclusions of their research on freedom of expression in the press through graphic art to an audience of journalists, graphic artists and historians of French politics. We hope to trigger a debate between the academics…
See the full details about The Role and the Self Image of the Satirist in the 21st Century
£ 2,346.00
Lead Student
Imen Neffati, University of Sheffield
Other student organisers
- Stephanie Williams, University of York
- Allis Moss, University of Leeds
External link
SLF0067 - History of Ibero-America Postgraduate Symposium

The purpose of this event is to provide an opportunity for postgraduate students working on the Hispanic World to present their research to fellow researchers who are at a similar stage in their academic careers, so that they can gain experience of presenting their work in a supportive and constructive environment. It is highly important…
See the full details about History of Ibero-America Postgraduate Symposium
£ 745
Lead Student
Nathaniel Andrews, University of Leeds
Other student organisers
- Joel Baker, University of Sheffield
- Scott Ramsey, University of Leeds
External link
SLF0066 - The Bible and Rape Culture

Every day, global news feeds and social media engagements testify to the many complex relationships that exist between religion and sexual violence. They also highlight the significant part religions can play in confronting and perpetuating the myths and misperceptions that lie at the heart of rape cultures, which conceptualise gender violence as an ‘inevitable’ or…
See the full details about The Bible and Rape Culture
£ 2,425
Lead Student
Emma Nagouse, University of Sheffield
Other student organisers
- Erin Shannon, The University of York
- Sofia Rehman, The University of Leeds
- Mary Going, The University of Sheffield
External link
SLF0065 - Just Theorising

Many of us working in applied philosophy deal with areas that are politically sensitive and socially important, what we need is the skills to theorise in those areas, in a way that is in line with our commitments to responsible research, and fair treatment of those we theorise about. This workshop aims to fill the…
See the full details about Just Theorising
£ 765
Lead Student
Nadia Mehdi, University of Sheffield
Other student organisers
- Rosa Vince, University of Sheffield
- Charlie Crerar, University of Sheffield
- Sarah Murphy-Young, University of Leeds
- Celia Coll, University of York
External link
SLF0064 - White Rose Postgraduate Philosophy Forum

The White Rose Postgraduate Philosophy Forum aims to bring together postgraduate students and researchers in philosophy and related disciplines from across the White Rose universities York, Leeds, Sheffield for three conferences a year at each of which one representative from each institution presents a paper on their current research. In addition, we also seek to…
See the full details about White Rose Postgraduate Philosophy Forum
£ 1180
Lead Student
David Strohmaier (Sheffield)
Other student organisers
- Jack Warman, University of York
- Olof Leffler, University of Leeds
- James Lewis, University of Sheffield
External link
SLF0063 - Queer Theory Reading Group
This reading group aims to bring together a diverse range of researchers at York, Sheffield, and Leeds whose work has stakes in queer theory and its numerous and overlapping sister fields. It is crucial to the broad remit of this group that queer theory is here understood at its most capacious, especially regarding its essential…
See the full details about Queer Theory Reading Group
£ £315
Lead Student
Georgia Walton, University of Leeds
Other student organisers
- Brendan Whitmarsh, University of York
- Adrienne Mortimer, University of Leeds
- Cecilia Tricker-Walsh, University of Sheffield
External link
SLF0062 - Gendered Emotions in History – 29 June 2018

Gendered Emotions in History on Twitter This one-day conference will provide an opportunity for postgraduates and early career researchers in particular to present their work, and to meet and share ideas. The theme of the conference is broad. It will not be confined to any particular time period or location and will go beyond simply…
See the full details about Gendered Emotions in History – 29 June 2018
£ 2126
Lead Student
Rebecca Mytton
Other student organisers
- Hannah Jeans, University of York
- Hannah Parker, University of Sheffield
- Joshua Doble, University of Leeds
External link
SLF0061 - Together in Music: Expression, Performance and Communication in Ensembles – 12-14th April 2018

This project will be a chance to share some of the outputs of the WRoCAH Expressive Ensemble Performance network with academic peers, students, performers and educators with an interest in ensemble performance. To achieve this we plan to run a 2.5 day conference,’Together in Music’, which we will organise and host at the National Centre…
£ 3633
Lead Student
Nicola Pennill
Other student organisers
WRoCAH White Rose Network: Expressive nonverbal communication in ensemble performance Sara D'Amario, York Ryan Kirkbride, Leeds
External link
SLF0060 - Language variation and change reading group

The purpose of the Language Variation and Change (LVC) reading group is to bring together postgraduates and academics from all three White Rose institutions to discuss current sociolinguistic research related to language variation and change. The aim of the group is to encourage cross-institutional collaboration in sociolinguistic research and to provide a space for linguists…
See the full details about Language variation and change reading group
£ 797
Lead Student
Sarah Tasker, York
Other student organisers
Kate Moore, Leeds Holly Dann, Sheffield
SLF0059 - Feminism and Education: Looking Back to Think Forward

This is a symposium/workshop focussed on the relationship between feminism, education and research within our three institutions. The aim is to bring together feminist researchers and teachers from the three institutions and beyond to reflect on practices of feminist research, teaching and publishing in the UK in the past fifty years as a way to…
See the full details about Feminism and Education: Looking Back to Think Forward
£ 1464
Lead Student
Caroline McCaffrey
Other student organisers
Rosa Vince (University of Sheffield) Jessica Schouela (University of York) Elspeth Mitchell (University of Leeds)
External link
SLF0058 - Contested Inheritances, 1700-1830

We will run a one-day conference at the Centre for Eighteenth-Century Studies at York. ‘Contested Inheritances,’ refers to the conference’s theme of ‘multiple versions of history.’ The conference will be tied in with the Sheffield University Gothic Reading Group who will run a session based on the themes of the conference. The main objective of…
See the full details about Contested Inheritances, 1700-1830
£ 1406
Lead Student
David Barrow
Other student organisers
Elizabeth Bobbitt (University of York) Lauren Nixon (University of Sheffield) Rachel Sulich (University of Leeds)
External link
SLF0057 - Portraying the Past: Genre, Identity, and Artistic Engagement with history
In The Political Unconscious: Narrative as Socially Symbolic Act, Fredric Jameson likens genre to that of a contractual arrangement between producer (writer, filmmaker, historian), text, and consumer (reader or audience). Jameson’s commentary considers texts – whether literary or historical – to be transactional structures, defined within the parameters of capital and consumption. Using such current…
£ 1360
Lead Student
Daniel Clarke, Sheffield
Other student organisers
WRoCAH White Rose Network: European Film and European Heritage Michael Samuel, Leeds Martina Lovascio, York
SLF0056 - ELLiPs Symposium 2017

The ELLiPs (Extended Language Learning in Postgraduate Research) Symposium is a 1-day workshop in which the PGRs taking part in this training program in either the Autumn or Spring semesters can present either their thesis research or new research projects arising from their work in the course. There are both talks and a poster session…
See the full details about ELLiPs Symposium 2017
£ 531
Lead Student
Patrick Connolly
Other student organisers
Jacqueline Ingham, University of Sheffield Wei-Min Wu, University of York Maria-Margarita Makri, University of York Ghada Alkuwaihes , University of York Haylin Zhao, University of York Yuxi Gong, University of York Ekali Kostopoulos, University of York Fei Gao, University of Leeds
External link
SLF0055 - Feminist Thought in Practice
Both the organisers attended (and indeed met) at an event in Skaholt, Iceland, called Feminist Utopias. Although an academic conference on feminist philosophy, the event foregrounded ways of practicing feminist thought and theory, not just discussing it. The event gave time and space to non traditional ways of working through feminist thought and our research….
See the full details about Feminist Thought in Practice
£ 385
Lead Student
Elspeth Mitchell, Leeds
Other student organisers
Rosa Vince, Sheffield
SLF0053 - Centre for Medieval Studies Graduate Conference

The conference is now in its second year. Our aims for this year’s conference are three-fold. First, we aim to support the establishment of an annual interdisciplinary medievalist postgraduate conference, based at the Centre for Medieval Studies in York. It is our goal to ensure that this becomes an intellectually productive annual event. The second…
See the full details about Centre for Medieval Studies Graduate Conference
£ 568
Lead Student
Tom Powles
Other student organisers
Carla Jardim, University of York; Harriet Evans, University of York; Catherine-Rose Hailstone, University of York; Jack Litchfield, University of Leeds; Tim Wingard, University of York; Ross McIntire, University of York Emily Reed, University of Sheffield
External link
SLF0052 - Freedom After Neoliberalism

Recently, there has been a surge in critical activity around neoliberalism, which has led to the emergence of an increasingly settled understanding of its political, economic and cultural mechanics. Most critiques, however – whether undertaken from a Marxist, Foucauldian, or sociological-historical perspective – have proven reluctant to engage neoliberalism on the territory that it has…
See the full details about Freedom After Neoliberalism
£ 2361
Lead Student
Harriett Neal, York
Other student organisers
Joseph Rollins, University of York Adam Bristol Smith, University of York Sam Perks, Leeds University
External link
SLF0051 - CLINIC PRESENTS: Two New Poets

The event is to showcase two award-winning London-based poets (Tamás winner of the Manchester Writing Prize; Doegar a Fellow of the Complete Works Program) with these events in the North – and to bring their work into conversation with York- and Sheffield-based poets and researchers. The events also serve to mark the publication of Tamás…
See the full details about CLINIC PRESENTS: Two New Poets
£ 231
Lead Student
Sam Buchan-Watts
Other student organisers
Alex Marsh, University of Sheffield
External link
SLF0050 - The Shelley Conference

A continuing scholarly fascination with all things ‘Shelley’ is due in part to the unprecedented access we now have to PBS’s and MWS’s texts (in annotated scholarly editions) and manuscripts (presented in facsimile and transcript). The Shelleys’ works are more readily available than ever before. The lack of an annual or even frequent conference dedicated…
See the full details about The Shelley Conference
£ 1728
Lead Student
Harriett Neal, York
Other student organisers
Anna Mercer, University of York Carly Stevenson, University of Sheffield Carl McKeating, Leeds University
External link
SLF0049 - Northern Animals

The aim of the Northern Animals one day event is to promote cross-institutional links between PGRs working in the area of environmental humanities in any academic discipline at universities in the north of England. The event also aims to offer advice to postgraduate students (both MA and PhD) on how they can best prepare for…
See the full details about Northern Animals
£ 614
Lead Student
Adam Farrow, Sheffield
Other student organisers
Caitlin Stobie, University of Leeds Martha Cattell, University of York Alice Higgs, University of Sheffield Rebecca Simon, University of Sheffield Joe Mansfield, University of Sheffield
SLF0048 - Pragmatism and the Analytic-Continental Split

The conference aims to explore the connections between the pragmatist tradition, and the divide between ‘continental’ and ‘analytic’ philosophy. Like the analytic and continental traditions, pragmatism developed around the turn of the 20th century. The early pragmatists influenced (and were influenced by) the founding thinkers on both sides of the divide, and their work contains…
See the full details about Pragmatism and the Analytic-Continental Split
£ 750
Lead Student
James Lewis, Sheffield
Other student organisers
External link
SLF0047 - Speak, body: Art, the Reproduction of Capital and the Reproduction of Life

“Speak, body” is a three-day conference taking place at Leeds, April 21-3 2017. This conference, which has a central PGR component, aims to explore the juncture of the “body” in recent Art History in relation to feminism(s) and the discourses of capitalism. We want to track the relationship between both the figuring of the body…
£ 2640
Lead Student
Tom Hastings
Other student organisers
Melissa Gustin, University of York
External link
SLF0046 - Habitual Behaviour in Early Modern Europe, 1500-1750

This two-day interdisciplinary conference will take place at the HRI – University of Sheffield on 1-2 June 2017. It aims to draw together graduate scholars as well as early career researchers (PhD students and postdoctoral fellows) working on material culture, digital humanities, medicine, consumption, daily routine, practice and more in the early modern period, and…
See the full details about Habitual Behaviour in Early Modern Europe, 1500-1750
£ 2995
Lead Student
Annamaria Valent, York
Other student organisers
WRoCAH White Rose Network: Cultures of Consumption in Early Modern Europe Jose Cree (Sheffield) Giovanni Pozzetti (Leeds).
SLF0045 - Bringing Conflict Home

This conference will bring together scholars from a wide range of disciplines to examine how conflict permeates the domestic sphere. Whereas the term ‘home’ is commonly associated with familiarity and safety, ‘conflict’ evokes the opposite sense. War often enters the home as quotidian lived experience; critics such as Mary A. Favret address the concept of…
See the full details about Bringing Conflict Home
£ 1000
Lead Student
Harriet Beadnell, York
Other student organisers
Stephanie Wright, University of Sheffield (WRoCAH) Lotta Schneidemesser, University of York
External link
SLF0044 - Understanding Value VI

The concept of value has been one of the most discussed concepts in the history of philosophy, and this conference has, for the last five years, aimed to bring together a diverse group of postgraduate philosophers to discuss the wide-ranging issues relating to it. We have had speakers talk about the nature of art, morality,…
See the full details about Understanding Value VI
£ 2000
Lead Student
Rosa Vince, Sheffield
Other student organisers
James Lewis, University of Sheffield Olof Leffler, University of Leeds George Stamets, University of Leeds William Hornett, University of Sheffield Ahmad Fattah, University of Sheffield Jamie Cawthra, University of York
External link
SLF0041 - Borders, boundaries and beyond in the long eighteenth century

This one-day interdisciplinary conference is aimed at postgraduate and early career researchers working on any aspect of this period. It arises from the Sheffield University Eighteenth Century Reading Group; there is a taste and need for events which offer more time to explore this complex and fascinating era, and there is currently a lively, active…
See the full details about Borders, boundaries and beyond in the long eighteenth century
£ 1700
Lead Student
Alison Horgan, Leeds
Other student organisers
Samuel Longhurst, University of Sheffield Hannah Jeans, University of York
External link
SLF0040 - Performance as Research Postgraduate Colloquium

This series of one-day events brings together postgraduate students across White Rose researching through creative practice. Each event includes practical workshops and guest speakers. We aim to provide a collaborative, supportive forum in which students can discuss their research successes and concerns.
See the full details about Performance as Research Postgraduate Colloquium
£ 1313.45
Lead Student
Kirsty Surgey (Sheffield)
Other student organisers
Omar Shahryar, University of York Jade French, University of Leeds Rommi Smith, University of Leeds Matthew Elliott, University of Leeds Alaena Turner, University of Leeds
External link
SLF0039 - Re-evaluating the religious: recent approaches to monastic archaeology in later Medieval Britain

The aims of this conference are to open up channels of discussion about recent work in monastic archaeology and studies. There are a number of WRoCAH students studying aspects of monasticism, as well as other students at White Rose Universities, so this will be an excellent opportunity to present post-graduate research within the White Rose…
£ 1500
Lead Student
Francesca Breeden, Sheffield
Other student organisers
Victoria Yuskaitis, Leeds Emma Woolfrey, York (WRoCAH) Katie Harrison, York (WRoCAH) Martin Huggon, Sheffield Pete Townend, Sheffield.
SLF0038 - Consuming Animals

This two-day interdisciplinary conference is designed to bring together those in the humanities whose work explores human-animal relations during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. In particular, it seeks to investigate the various, and often ambiguous, ways in which animals were consumed by humans symbolically and materially. Through various methods of consumption, typically characterised by exploitation…
See the full details about Consuming Animals
£ 2000
Lead Student
Harriett Neal, York
Other student organisers
Sky Duthie, University of York Martha Cattell, University of York Lauren MaCarthy , University of Leeds
External link
SLF0037 - Past Time: Art, Anachronism, Anachronisticism

This conference will be taking place on the 18th-20th November, as a follow-on from the PGR day ‘Time:Immaterial’. Building on Nagel and Wood’s Anachronic Renaissance and Nagel’s Medieval Modern: Art Out of Time this conference brings together new research on a range of sculptural and related visual material across periods; addressing ideas of periods, periodization…
See the full details about Past Time: Art, Anachronism, Anachronisticism
£ 1050
Lead Student
Carla Suthren, York
Other student organisers
Melissa Gustin, University of York Tom Hastings, University of Leeds
External link
SLF0036 - Migration and Transcultural Memory in the 21st Century

This event is a one-day postgraduate conference that is intended to tie in with an existing event in Leeds’ LCS: the visit of Memory Studies scholar, Astrid Erll, who is giving a keynote speech the evening before the conference. Erll is widely known as Professor of Anglophone Literatures and Cultures at Goethe-University in Frankfurt, and…
See the full details about Migration and Transcultural Memory in the 21st Century
£ 1377
Lead Student
Jade Douglas, Leeds
Other student organisers
Hanna Abakunova, University of Sheffield Harriet Beadnell, University of York Jessica Ortner, University of Copenhagen
External link
SLF0035 - Private Collecting and Public Display: Art Markets and Museums

This is a two-day international postgraduate-organised conference exploring the inter-dependencies and dynamics of ‘private’ art collections and their display in ‘public’ institutions, to be held on 30th-31st March 2017. The conference will take place under the auspices of the Centre for the Study of the Art and Antiques Market, a research hub for interdisciplinary study…
See the full details about Private Collecting and Public Display: Art Markets and Museums
£ 5104
Lead Student
Anna Reeve, Leeds
Other student organisers
Caroline McCaffrey-Howarth, University of Leeds (WRoCAH) Heather Findling, University of Leeds Shir Kochavi, University of Leeds Victoria White, University of York (WRoCAH) Kirsty Surgey, University of Sheffield (WRoCAH)
External link
SLF0034 - Futures Past: South Asia Now and Then

This event is a one day workshop for postgraduate students from the arts, humanities and social sciences across the White Rose Consortium and beyond whose work is focused upon South Asia or its diaspora. Twelve students will present papers in an innovative and unconventional format (see below) with discussion from faculty members. It will bring…
See the full details about Futures Past: South Asia Now and Then
£ 1891
Lead Student
Sarah Gandee, Leeds
Other student organisers
Sam Ellis, University of Leeds Apurba Chatterjee, University of Sheffield
External link
SLF0033 - PILAS Annual Conference 2017

The University of Leeds has been selected to host the PILAS Annual Conference on June 26 and 27, 2017. It is free to attend and will include keynote speakers, workshops and social engaging activities. PILAS is the postgraduate affiliate of the Society for Latin American Studies (SLAS). As an organisation run by and for postgraduate…
See the full details about PILAS Annual Conference 2017
£ 950
Lead Student
Jesús Sanjurjo, Leeds
Other student organisers
Lourdes Parra, University of Leeds Valentina Caruso, University of Sheffield Peter Watson, University of Sheffield
External link
SLF0032 - “First Impressions”: Faces, clothes, and bodies, 1600-1800

In the early modern world, ‘first impressions’ played a central role in the establishment and maintenance of individual and group identities. However, anxiety over the potential for outward appearances to confuse, disguise, or deceive also gained increasing momentum in this. This one-day interdisciplinary symposium will take ‘first impressions’ as a starting point in order to…
See the full details about “First Impressions”: Faces, clothes, and bodies, 1600-1800
£ 1321
Lead Student
Elizabeth Spencer, York
Other student organisers
Hannah Wallace, Sheffield (WRoCAH CDA)
External link
SLF0031 - Consuming Heritage

The event, Consuming Heritage, is a one-day PhD workshop event, aimed at giving a platform for PhD students belonging to the WROCAH cohort (from 2014 -2016 starters) to showcase aspects of their research, with a specific focus on heritage and culture. The day also includes several keynotes from key academics working in the field of…
See the full details about Consuming Heritage
£ 471
Lead Student
Michael Samuel, Leeds
Other student organisers
WRoCAH White Rose Network: European Cinema, European Identity, European Culture Daniel Clarke, University of Sheffield Martina Lovascio, University of York
External link
SLF0030 - Time:Immaterial

The Time:Immaterial postgraduate research symposium will take the first chapter to Alexander Nagel and Christopher Wood’s Anachronic Renaissance as its foundation. While this seminal work offered a profound reconsideration of the problem of time in the Renaissance, Time:Immaterial will look beyond that period to find the anachronic in new times and places, with papers presenting…
See the full details about Time:Immaterial
£ 1262
Lead Student
Carla Suthren, York
Other student organisers
Melissa Gustin, University of York Tom Hastings, University of Leeds
External link
SLF0027 - Understanding Value V

Almost every area of philosophy deals with value, and many of these areas fundamentally aim to study value: questions such as ‘Which actions are right and wrong?’, ‘Which things do we have good reasons to believe?’, ‘What is the nature of aesthetic value?’, as well as the countless questions which derive from them, are, at…
See the full details about Understanding Value V
£ 2000
Lead Student
Stephen Bolton, Sheffield
Other student organisers
Isela Gonzalez Vazquez, University of Sheffield Trystan Goetze, University of Sheffield Jamie Cawthra, University of York
External link
SLF0024 - Northern Renaissance Seminar: Communication, Correspondence and Transmission in the Early Modern World

The conference “Communication, Correspondence and Transmission in the Early Modern World”, part of the established “Northern Renaissance Seminar” (NRS) series, will take place on 12-13 May 2016. The event seeks to complicate and move beyond the “printing revolution” narrative to consider the messy and multiplicitous facets of early modern communication. It features 32 papers, plus…
£ 1038
Lead Student
Giovanni Pozzetti, Leedes
Other student organisers
Hannah Coates Stephen Foster Kit Heyam Claire Rennie Claudia Rogers, all Leeds Anna Valent , York Jose Cree, Sheffield We are holding this event in conjunction with the Early Modern Lines WRoCAH Student-Led Forum
External link
SLF0023 - Mastering Ensemble Singing: The Science and the Art
The event is planned as a combination of public engagement, performance and scientific discovery. The event will take place on April, 16th 2016 in the Sir Jack Lyons concert at York University. The format will be as follows: – A short introductory talk will introduce some of the principles and equipment needed to measure vocal…
See the full details about Mastering Ensemble Singing: The Science and the Art
£ 1281
Lead Student
Sara D'Amario, York
Other student organisers
WRoCAH White Rose Network: Expressive nonverbal communication in ensemble performance Ryan Kirkbride, Leeds Nicola Pennill, Sheffield
External link
SLF0022 - World against Globe: Reconceptualising World Literatures Today

The purpose of this event is to bring scholars from Leeds, York and Sheffield together for a two-hour seminar in which we will discuss the theme of world literature as based upon Pheng Cheah’s recent monograph, What is a world? (2016); a recent and novel intervention in this field. The seminar will be based on…
See the full details about World against Globe: Reconceptualising World Literatures Today
£ 101
Lead Student
Jade Douglas, Leeds
Other student organisers
Dominic O'Key, University of Leeds Ian Ellison, University of Leeds Rebecca Macklin, University of Leeds Joe Rollins, University of York (WRoCAH) Daniel South, University of York (WRoCAH) Maryam Jameela, University of Sheffield (WRoCAH)
External link
SLF0021 - Humanities and Beyond: Exploring the Frontiers of Interdisciplinarity
The day will take the form of a symposium with 15-minute conference-style papers, workshops with practitioners, a round-table discussion with established academics, and a keynote presentation from Robin MacKay, philosopher and director of UK arts organization Urbanomic, addressing the relationships between philosophy, science and art practice.
See the full details about Humanities and Beyond: Exploring the Frontiers of Interdisciplinarity
£ £2,8589
Lead Student
Madelaine Schurch, (York)
Other student organisers
Catherine Evans, (Sheffield) Fiona Hobbs-Milne, (York) Ryan Kirkbride, (Leeds) Nicola Pennhill, (Sheffield)
SLF0020 - Thinking critically about society: perspectives from the arts and humanities.

The event will explore a range of approaches, from across a variety of disciplines within the arts and humanities, to thinking critically about contemporary as well as historical societies. The event will focus on the ways that we in the arts and humanities can offer a challenge to a range of societal issues, the methods…
£ 298
Lead Student
James Hickson, York
Other student organisers
Emily Nunn, University of Sheffield
External link
SLF0019 - Historical and Contemporary Knowledge base in Sociolinguistics (HaCKS)

The aim of HaCKS is twofold: to provide a network for collaborating and sharing knowledge in contemporary and historical sociolinguistic topics, and to provide the opportunity for postgraduates to engage with the wider research community and the public. These aims will be addressed via two platforms: a website and a seminar series, to be launched…
See the full details about Historical and Contemporary Knowledge base in Sociolinguistics (HaCKS)
£ 1811
Lead Student
Joshua Bengough-Smith, Sheffield
Other student organisers
Grace Wood, University of York Andrew Bradley, University of Sheffield Kate Moore, University of Leeds
External link
SLF0018 - Orange is the New Bible Symposium (OITNBible)

OITNBible offers students and researchers from UG to ECR level opportunities to present and observe short research-led presentations to peers and academic staff on interdisciplinary topics allied to the Netflix show Orange is the New Black and the Bible. The symposium will create and nurture a research community drawing speakers and delegates from across WRoCAH…
See the full details about Orange is the New Bible Symposium (OITNBible)
£ 2001
Lead Student
Jo Henderson-Merrygold, Sheffield
Other student organisers
Charity Hamilton - University of Leeds Lucy Skerratt - King's College London (MA Student)
SLF0016 - Realism in Ethics

There are many ways to be a moral realist, but realism in ethics was considered dead and buried for much of the twentieth century. In the last twenty five years, however, various forms of moral realism have been exhumed and revivified. The purpose of our two-part event is to renew and advance the debate about…
See the full details about Realism in Ethics
£ 4200
Lead Student
Stephen Bolton, Sheffield
Other student organisers
Stephen Ingram, University of Sheffield Joe Saunders, University of Leeds Mark Wilcox, University of Leeds
SLF0015 - Wider World History Network

The Wider World History Network aims to bring together postgraduate students researching topics that have an international dimension, whether that be connecting European history to the rest of the world or centred on a different continent altogether. Inviting discussion on topics ranging from the medieval period to the present day – transcending restrictive historical periodisation…
See the full details about Wider World History Network
£ 540
Lead Student
Claudia Rogers, Leeds
Other student organisers
Sarah Gandee (WRoCAH, Leeds) Lucy Taylor (ESRC, Leeds). Stephanie Wright (Sheffield) Thomas Jackson (Sheffield) Annamaria Valent (York) Jesús Sanjurjo Ramos (Leeds) Lauren McCarthy (Leeds) Giovanni Pozzetti (Leeds)
SLF0013 - New Directions for Expressivism

How should we understand the claim that torturing innocent people is morally wrong? According to expressivists, this is not a statement of fact but an expression of one’s disapproval of torturing innocent people. In recent years there has been an upsurge of interest in expressivist theories of moral discourse, with a range of new and…
See the full details about New Directions for Expressivism
£ 4440
Lead Student
Graham Bex-Priestley, Sheffield
Other student organisers
Stephen Ingram, University of Shefffield Marc Wilcox, University of Leeds
SLF0012 - The Language of ‘Authoritarian’ Regimes

This event will consist of an informal day of papers based at the University of Sheffield’s Department of History, exploring the creation, dissemination and reception of discourse in regimes commonly referred to as ‘authoritarian’. The aim of the event is to bring together people working on the language of ‘authoritarian’ states, and to discuss how…
See the full details about The Language of ‘Authoritarian’ Regimes
£ 1162
Lead Student
Stephanie Wright, Sheffield
Other student organisers
Hannah Parker, University of Sheffield Sabine Grimshaw, University of Leeds
SLF0011 - Feminist Readings 2: Theory, practice and politics of reading today

The two-day international post-graduate conference titled ‘Feminist Readings 2’ which will take place in April 2016 is a continuation of an international symposium held by the Women’s & Gender Studies Centre at the University Paris 8 in 2015. By bringing together postgraduates from Paris 8, University of Helsinki, University of Leeds, University of Sheffield &…
See the full details about Feminist Readings 2: Theory, practice and politics of reading today
£ 1642
Lead Student
Elspeth Mitchell, Leeds
Other student organisers
Louisa Lee, York
SLF0010 - Poetic Measures
This conference is the outcome, first, of ‘lyric turn’ in literary studies that has resulted in a reconsideration in in literary as well as in ethical and psychological studies of the significance of lyric as opposed to narrative genres in articulating a variety of interdisciplinary questions. The aim of this conference is to bring together…
See the full details about Poetic Measures
£ 5011
Lead Student
Laura Blomvall, York
Other student organisers
Alex Alonso, University of York Stephen Grace, University of York David Troupes, University of Sheffield Jack Quin, University of York
SLF0009 - Society for Medieval Archaeology Student Colloquium
The colloquium provides a forum for graduates and doctoral researchers to present and discuss their work within and involving topics around Medieval Archaeology
See the full details about Society for Medieval Archaeology Student Colloquium
£ 613
Lead Student
Emma Green, University of Sheffield
Other student organisers
Robert Grout (York) Holly Hunt-Watts (Leeds)
SLF0008 - Understanding Value IV

Understanding Value IV continues a series of graduate conferences at the University of Sheffield exploring the nature and function of value. Due to its common importance, the topic of value is well suited to encouraging discussion and debate between graduates working in a wide array of philosophical sub-disciplines. These conferences create a supportive and engaging…
See the full details about Understanding Value IV
£ 1932
Lead Student
Charlie Crerar, Sheffield
Other student organisers
Neil W. Williams, University of Sheffield Joshua Black, University of Sheffield Ashley Pennington, University of Sheffield Marc Wilcox, University of Leeds
External link
SLF0007 - Moving Pictures and Photoplays: New Perspectives in Silent Cinema. Postgraduate Conference

‘Moving Pictures and Photoplays: New Perspectives in Silent Cinema’ is a 2 day conference designed to bring together postgraduate researchers working on any aspect relating to silent cinema and film industry of the silent period. It will take place on the 18th and 19th of June 2015. As organisers, we welcome papers on all the…
£ 5718
Lead Student
Agata Frymus, York
Other student organisers
Fiona Keenan, York
SLF0006 - Researching European Film and TV
Three panels of work-in-progress presentations by PhD students from different academic institutions working on related issues, a series of research training and career development sessions led by experts in the field and related very specifically to research in film and television. The event has been shaped with the idea of giving PhD students researching in this field the opportunity to share ideas, research methodologies and knowledge within an informal but still academic environment. The idea behind it is bringing together PhD students at different stages in their work in order to give them the possibility to confront each other and potentially contributing to each other’s research. Doing this event under the auspices of our WRoCAH PhD Network, will give visibility to the network itself and our website
See the full details about Researching European Film and TV
£ 3083
Lead Student
Martina Lovascio (York)
Other student organisers
WRoCAH White Rose Network: European Film, European Heritage, European Identity Daniel Clarke, Sheffield Michael Samuel, Leeds
SLF0005 - Early Modern Lines Research Network

This interdisciplinary research group will explore the concept of ‘lines’ in any aspect of early modern thought or culture, from metaphor to architectural theory or scientific conceptions of the material world. It will consider how lines were used to organize, make and disrupt knowledge during 1450-1700. We aim to foster dialogue on this engaging topic…
See the full details about Early Modern Lines Research Network
£ 1527
Lead Student
Sarah Cawthorne, York
Other student organisers
Francesca Dornan - University of Sheffield (WRoCAH cohort) Claudia Rogers - University of Leeds (WRoCAH cohort) Claire Canavan - University of York Frances Maguire - University of York
SLF0003 - 4th Annual Postgraduate Monasticism Conference. Monastic Sciences: Medicina, Mechanica, Philosophia.

The Annual Postgraduate Monasticism Conference aims to bring together researchers from many different institutions and disciplines to discuss monasticism in its broadest sense. This year the topic is Monastic Sciences and two keynote speakers have already been secured, Prof. Peregrine Horden (RHUL), and Dr. Sophie Page (UCL). The event allows delegates to network and create…
£ 260
Lead Student
Francesca Breeden, Sheffield
Other student organisers
Amy Devenney - University of Leeds Richard Thomason - University of Leeds Esther Kim - University of Leeds
SLF0002 - The Arts & Social Change Network

Arts and Social Change’ aims to describe a broad field of work in which the arts intersect with social or political intentions. In this context, art is a political act and produced in a conscious effort to facilitate and/or participate in social change. The interdisciplinary nature of this field, with blurred boundaries between arts, geography,…
See the full details about The Arts & Social Change Network
£ 1822
Lead Student
Jade French, Leeds
Other student organisers
Pippa Gardner, The University of Sheffield
SLF0001 - White Rose Philosophy Postgraduate Forum (WRPPF)
Nahuel Sznajderhaus, Leeds
Elizabeth Thorsson, York
See the full details about White Rose Philosophy Postgraduate Forum (WRPPF)
£ 2010
Lead Student
Jared Stoughton (York)
Other student organisers
The White Rose Philosophy Postgraduate Forum (WRPPF) is a research network between postgraduate students of Philosophy at the Universities of Leeds, Sheffield, York, and Hull. The WRPPF organises tri-annual workshops, held in rotation between the four universities, at which a student from each university presents their research to an audience of peers. The WRPPF reaches out to a large philosophy postgraduate community and our meetings has provided the ideal opportunity for postgraduates to both present their research and hear about others’ research in an environment that is at the same time less formal than an academic conference and more challenging than an intra-departmental meeting. Our Forum meetings have therefore given the postgraduates, at York and beyond, an exciting experience and are invaluable in preparing us for a future career in academia.