This event will take place at the University of York
This workshop offers doctoral researchers the opportunity to hear from and engage with experienced academic editors from across the Arts and Humanities and from all three White Rose universities. It is open to all doctoral researchers in the Arts & Humanities at White Rose Universities.
A morning panel session will discuss the challenges facing junior academic researchers in getting their research published and will be followed by an “Any Questions” format debate with the audience.
Information about 2019’s panel members can be found here: http://bit.ly/2XY2AsW
10:30 Registration and coffee
11:00 – 13:00 Panel debate and Any Questions, including:
(1) When to publish? What is the right balance between getting on with your PhD and developing your publication portfolio? Is there a risk that your ideas will be stolen? Can you publish your PhD chapters before you submit them?
(2) The next REF and junior academics. What is the impact of the REF on publications behavior? What is the right strategy to adopt with regards to the next REF and your career? What are the implications of the Stern report?
(3) Green or Gold? What are the implications of the Open Access movement? How does it affect readership of your work? Is it worth paying for Gold Open Access? Is funding available? Where should you self-archive? The White Rose repository or Academia.edu?
(4) Where to publish? Conference proceedings, journals, edited books, monographs, online or offline? Does it matter?
13:00 – 14:00 Lunch and Networking
14:00 – 15:00 Breakout groups with Academic Editors – “What I am looking for”
17:00 Close
The following breakout sessions will be offered:
Archaeology | English, Literary Studies & Linguistics | History | History of Art | Music | Philosophy |
At the panels, editors will discuss, from their domain perspectives, where they would recommend junior researchers to publish, and what they are looking for in a good paper.
Register for this workshop by using the booking form here: http://bit.ly/2DF9pYi