This 2-day introductory course, delivered by specialist staff from Learning on Screen, will enable doctoral students to develop video productions skills for research purposes (outputs and presentation). By the end of the course attendees will have developed an understanding of the equipment and techniques required in video production and will have utilised this knowledge to have produced, edited and uploaded a film.
Places on this course are limited so places will be awarded on a competitive basis. In your application for a place, you will be asked to describe how you use video resources in your research and its importance to your research.
Click here for more information and to apply for a place
Feedback on the course:
“The course was fantastic on all levels. Well organised, lively but at a good pace. It was extremely useful in breaking down some of my fears about how complex filmmaking is. Frazer delivered an informative and stimulating course, which was broken into easily digestible sections. Any questions were followed up by useful visual and verbal examples. I will thoroughly recommend this course to all my colleagues.”
“It was wonderful to learn from a filmmaker who has so much attention to detail and enthusiasm for filmmaking while being patient with beginners as well as generous with all his knowledge and a very good listener!”
“Some very good hands-on tips were given and it’s encouraging that so much care was put into aesthetic concerns and to have a discussion about the ethics involved as well.”
“Really excellent intro to filmmaking, with all aspects covered to a sufficient degree, and some great detail in places. Teacher clearly passionate about the subject which was infectious and made it a stimulating and exciting experience.”