Researcher Employability Projects
The central feature of the WRoCAH training programme is the Researcher Employability Project. A wide and diverse network of partners allows the scope to ensure a close match between students’ aspirations and their host organisations. Doctoral researchers are encouraged to forge new partnership links where opportunities arise.
Core Partners
The White Rose College is also supported by a number of Core Partner organisations from across the Arts and Humanities sector.

Partnership Advisory Board
The representatives of the core partner organisations, all senior executives and entrepreneurs with extensive experience and contacts, form the Partnership Advisory Board.
Core Partners are involved in every appropriate level of activity including representation on other WRoCAH committees. They participate in WRoCAH Conferences and Colloquia and engage actively with doctoral researchers in talks and workshops.
Doctoral training experience
The primary role of the PAB is to inform the strategy for doctoral researcher training. Members will bring their expert knowledge of their sectors and allow us to respond imaginatively and effectively to changes in wider policy, economic and funding environments.
A number of the core partners have significant direct experience of PhD training, and the British Library, English Heritage, National Railway Museum (as part of the Science Museum Group) and English Heritage have all been successful in AHRC’s Collaborative Doctoral Partnership scheme.