WRoCAH White Rose Networks – Call for Proposals

Networks offer a unique opportunity for collaborative research across the White Rose universities with three doctoral researchers working on separate projects on a common theme, with co-supervision across institutions.

Each Network has a three doctoral researchers, one at each of Leeds, Sheffield and York. Researchers are supported by a main supervisor at the home institution and a co-supervisor at one of the other institutions.

2017 Networks – Call for proposals now open

The call for 2017 Studentship Networks with the White Rose College of the Arts & Humanities is now OPEN. We welcome bids from teams of academics for Arts & Humanities doctoral research networks across the three White Rose Universities that meets the criteria in the call document.

Funding is available for TWO Networks starting in October 2017 (subject to quality). Each Studentship Network is allocated three fully funded PhD studentships.

Deadline for Applications: 17:00 on Friday 3 March 2017

Proposals must be interdisciplinary. Non-traditional Arts and Humanities departments may form part of a Network provided the overall theme fits within the scope of Arts & Humanities research as defined by the AHRC.

You can read more about current WRoCAH Networks here.

Applications via online form – link in the Call Document.