We are delighted to have made two awards already this year under the WRoCAH Student Led Forums fund.
Wider World History Network
The Wider World History Network aims to bring together postgraduate students researching topics that have an international dimension, whether that be connecting European history to the rest of the world or centred on a different continent altogether. Inviting discussion on topics ranging from the medieval period to the present day – transcending restrictive historical periodisation – the network will consider the themes of comparative cultures, international relations and encounters with difference/foreignness throughout history. By encouraging postgraduate researchers in the Arts and Humanities to consider the global aspects of their projects, the network aims to raise awareness of interdisciplinary parallels, thus deepening the impact of their research. We aim to hold two events in Spring semester 2015 with the intention of holding more events in 2015/16 academic year. Events will include: student-led presentations, project surgeries, professionalisation workshops, external speakers.
Awarded: £540
Lead Student: Claudia Rogers, School of History, University of Leeds
Early Modern Lines Research Network
This interdisciplinary research group will explore the concept of ‘lines’ in any aspect of early modern thought or culture, from metaphor to architectural theory or scientific conceptions of the material world. It will consider how lines were used to organise, make and disrupt knowledge during 1450-1700. We aim to foster dialogue on this engaging topic from a multitude of perspectives. Events will include a symposium at the Brotherton Library with visiting speakers, a curatorial visit to the Minster Library and roundtable sessions investigating the overlaps, intersections and distinctions between material and theoretical lines. By developing this research community we seek to encourage the transmission and exchange of ideas across the WRoCAH consortium and enhance the research and presentation skills of members. The culmination will be an international conference in the following academic year (proposed for Sheffield), giving students the opportunity to present their ideas.
Awarded: £1,526.50
Lead Student: Sarah Cawthorne, Department of English and Related Literature, University of York