Writing Articles for Publication in International Peer-Reviewed Journals in the Arts and Humanities

Writing Articles for Publication in International Peer-Reviewed Journals in the Arts and Humanities


7 July 2020 - 9 July 2020    
10:00 am - 16:00 pm

Event Type

This event is virtual and will run online

This is one of two identical courses, one of which will run on the dates indicated here, with the other one running on 10-12 June 2020. You can register for either course using the link at the bottom of this page.

This is a relaxed three-day workshop for doctoral researchers seeking to publish in international peer-reviewed journals. It focuses on the key criteria involved in journal editors’ selection processes and peer-review.  Based on the inside knowledge of an experienced academic publisher, it is designed to develop essential skills in writing articles in order to increase researchers’ chances of placing their work in premium scholarly journals, to the benefit of their academic profile and career prospects.

The workshop demystifies the processes of peer review, providing insights into the selection process, a survival guide for the uninitiated, and advice on how to make the most of this vital element of the publishing system. It goes on to cover the stages of journal production, covering publishing practicalities including important questions relating to copyright and open access. The final section of the workshop is devoted to a practical guide to writing the abstract for a journal article, helping researchers to find clear and powerful ways to summarise their articles and enhance the profile of their work.

Click here to register for a place (WRoCAH students only currently)

Why publish, and where to publish?

  • Reasons for writing (and reasons for others to read your work)
  • Choosing the right journal

What journal editors look for

  • What are their criteria, and how will you meet them?

Addressing your readership

  • Context, genre and level
  • International readerships
  • What’s in it for the reader?

Writing tips

  • First impressions and avoiding clichés
  • Stylistic principles

Presenting a scholarly argument

  • Making claims with confidence
  • Use of secondary scholarship
  • Case studies and their larger implications
The peer-review process

  • Readers’ reports, revision and acceptance
  • Handling criticism for the benefit of your article

Article publication

  • The production process – implications for what you submit
  • Copyright issues – what you need to know
  • The afterlife of a published article – readers’ access to your work

Writing an abstract for your article

  • What are abstracts for, and what makes an effective abstract?
  • Key elements to structure your abstract – quickfire writing exercise
  • Keywords
  • Writing, revising and editing

Workshop tutor

Josie Dixon is an experienced research training consultant and specialises in running workshops for postgraduates, postdoctoral researchers and staff in the humanities and social sciences. She has over 40 university clients in the UK, running right across the sector from Oxford and Cambridge to post-1992 universities.  Her international clients include universities in Ireland, Sweden, Norway, Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands and the USA.

Click here to register for a place on either date (WRoCAH students only)