This event will run in BS/008 at the Humanities Research Centre, University of York
(maps and directions here)
A one-day intensive workshop on writing research abstracts – a key form of scholarly communication – in the humanities.
Essential for gaining acceptance to speak at conferences (and an audience for the presentation), and for attracting readers to journal articles, abstracts are of critical importance for raising the profile of your research and developing an academic career.
This short form of description, representing the essence of a research contribution, places particular demands on academic writing style, in terms of clarity, economy and precision. This intensive training session is designed to develop the necessary skills, encouraging participants to find clear, concise and powerful ways to summarise their research and to make an impact.
Non-native speakers will receive feedback designed to improve their written English, including questions of style and tone. There will be a mixture of presentation, group discussion and interactive exercises; handouts will provide reference material and further resources for continuing to develop the skills learned in the workshop.
This workshop will cover:
What are abstracts for?
What makes a good abstract?
Differing conventions between subject areas
Abstracts for Conferences
Abstracts for Journal Articles
Writing, Revising and Editing